Reasons Why 2020 May be the Best Time to Find a New Job
As each year comes to a close, it is natural to take inventory of the things we’ve accomplished over the past twelve months. At the same time, we get to look forward to what the next twelve might have in store. Whether we met all of our goals or we’re getting ready to make this next year better than the last, this is a time for reflection.
The new year is also the time that many of us consider goals we want to accomplish. Just as we make our lists of personal resolutions (lose weight, call mom more and so on) it’s a good time to intentionally reflect on your professional goals for the new year. It’s not just about money (though money never hurts and many of our candidates find significantly more financial reward in their new position); it’s also about fit and happiness.
Here’s why the new year may be the right time to make a change:
There are more job openings at the start of the year
Just as you are taking inventory of your possibilities for the new year, so are potential employers. Many practices are allocating new resources to expand. Others are looking to fill a position that they may have limped along without during the fourth quarter. At ETS, we normally see a significant uptick in openings starting as the calendar page turns. And one of them could have your name on it.
Your focus is renewed
Most people go into the new year recharged and motivated. Maybe it’s all the sugar cookies. This can help you shine in preparation and interviews.
You’re all caught up
The winter months can be a great time to get caught up on all of the responsibilities that come along with finding a new position. With long weekends, shorter work hours and some time off from work entirely, you’ll have the time you need to update your resume, make connections and even take a course or two.
The timing is the best it’s been in a decade
Many popular career paths are on the rise right now. For example, the Vision industry has been trending upward at a rate of 2.4 percent (on average) each year over the last five years. At the same time, the rule of thumb is that there are one third more Optometrists and Ophthalmologists retiring than entering the market.
Compensation has also been on the rise for top candidates. ETS Vision can help position you as a can’t-miss hire and find opportunities you may have missed.
Unemployment is also at the lowest level that it has been in years, so if you’re planning on making a career change, January and February may, ironically, be the right time to look for greener pastures.
Give yourself the gift of a better life this new year! Contact us and let’s get started.