Video: Associate Optometrist and Ophthalmologist Interview and Job Search Tips (Part 2)
Have an interview coming up soon, but not sure how to prepare? We’re here to help! We’ve put together 10 tips for new graduates and experienced eye care professionals alike on how to find the best job opportunities, prepare for the interview, and land the position even when competition is high. Check out Part 2 of our video series below!
In case you missed Part 1 of the series, you can get caught up here!
by Michael Guessford
(540) 491-9105
Tip #3: Return phone messages and emails quickly.
It is very important that you do this in a timely manner, hopefully within 24 hours. A prompt response communicates that you are interested and engaged in an opportunity, and is a professional courtesy as well. Even if you’re no longer interested in a the opportunity, it is still important that you reply back to the practice in a timely manner. In many cases, we’ve seen a doctor blow off responding to Practice A because he or she is interested in working for Practice B. When Practice B falls through, however, Practice A often will not consider the doctor any longer because he or she did not respond to the practice’s original correspondence. It may seem trivial, but it is quite common for this scenario to crop up, so don’t let that happen to you.
Another key point to keep in mind is that practice owners network with one another, so even if their practice opportunity isn’t a good fit, they may know of another opportunity in the area that would be a better match and can help make that connection for you. This requires, of course, for you to have responded promptly to their original correspondence and to have made a positive impression through your timeliness.
Tip #4: Don’t over-complicate the phone interview.
This is actually quite easy to do, as many doctors feel pressured to impress the hiring practice with anything and everything he or she can in a very short amount of time. Always keep in mind that the main goal of the phone interview is to get the face-to-face interview, so don’t make it too complicated or feel like you have to give them your life history in a five minute conversation. Whatever you do, do not bring up compensation over the phone. Doing so suggests your interest in the position is focused primarily on personal gain rather than contributing to the success of the practice and can make a terrible first impression with the practice owner. Practice owners want to hire Optometrists or Ophthalmologists that are engaged with the practice and who want the practice to succeed, grow, and be healthy.
Be prepared to share how you work with patients and medical procedures/skill sets you are comfortable with. Remember, you are trying to present to the practice owner the value you can bring to their practice and how you can be the solution to whatever problem they are facing, whether it’s needing to meet the demands of a growing patient base, to allow the practice to stay open additional days during the week, etc.
It’s always good to have a couple of questions prepared for the hiring authority during a phone interview. For example, a good question to ask would be “what medical philosophies for you practice?” Similarly, “what do you expect from an associate” or “what would my responsibilities be for this position” are great questions to present during the phone interview as well that will help give you a top-down view of the position.
To wrap up the phone interview, don’t be afraid to directly ask the hiring authority for a face-to-face meeting. A simple way to request this is to say “Based on what we’ve discussed today, I’d be interested in meeting with you and seeing the practice. When would be a good time for us to meet?” A simple statement such as this communicates your interest in the opportunity and is a nice way to transition to the next step in the interview process.
Finally, don’t forget to smile while you’re on the phone. There is something unique about smiling while speaking on the phone that adds a friendly flare to your tone and can help you make a great first impression.
We hope the above tips will give you the insight you need to interview confidently!
In the next few weeks we’ll be covering the remaining tips on our list, so be sure to keep checking back for more helpful interview tips and career advice in the near future! In the meantime, if you’re looking for an associateship, partnership, or ownership opportunity, don’t hesitate contact us today! We’d love to help connect you with the right opportunity.