Video: Associate Optometrist and Ophthalmologist Interview and Job Search Tips (Part 1)
Have an interview coming up soon, but not sure how to prepare? We’re here to help! We’ve put together 10 tips for new graduates and experienced eye care professionals alike on how to find the best job opportunities, prepare for the interview, and land the position even when competition is high. Check out Part 1 of our video series below!
by Marc Arrington
(540) 206-2757
Tip #1: Be open to a variety of opportunities.
Before you begin your job search, consider being open to a variety of practice environments, whether it be corporate, retail, private practice, or a mixed specialty practice. You never know what might be the best fit for you until you actually go to the interview and see what they have to offer. Additionally, it’s a good idea to go to every single interview you can. Practice makes perfect, and even if an opportunity doesn’t work out or isn’t a good fit, you’ll probably learn something from the interview and have a better understanding of what to expect in your next interview.
Tip #2: Be open to a variety of locations.
Typically the further your search is from an Optometry or Ophthalmology school, the better opportunities you will find. Think supply and demand, with there being a distinct oversaturation of candidates near schools. We’ve seen some associates nearly double their earning potential by moving to an underserved city or community while everyone else fights over positions in the big cities. Sometimes living outside of major metropolitan areas has plenty of other perks as well, such as better school systems, lower crime rates, and cheaper housing. Many times there are more opportunities for partnership and ownership in these non-metropolitan areas as well, which can help you achieve your long-term career goals.
We hope the above tips will give you the insight you need to interview confidently!
In the next few weeks we’ll be covering the remaining tips on our list, so be sure to keep checking back for more helpful interview tips and career advice in the near future! In the meantime, if you’re looking for an associateship, partnership, or ownership opportunity, don’t hesitate contact us today! We’d love to help connect you with the right opportunity.