Full time Optometrist
Great M-F schedule for Optometrist in Indianapolis area
Indianapolis, IN
Established optometry organization currently looking for apart or full time Optometrist around the Indianapolis area. Excellent compensation and work/life balance with a M-F schedule with no evenings or weekends. In this position you will provide care to patients in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living communities so you must enjoy working with geriatric patients. Travel time based on your proximity to the communities we serve, somedays your commute could be 10 min and others approx an hour. Since your patients are on premises, you head home after you last exam! Start time is flexible and most OD’s are typically working a 5 hour day.
Benefits for the Optometrist (OD)
There will be travel involved, up to approx 1 hour based on your location
Excellent base salary of approx 150K plus bonus and travel allowance
Flexible start time
Current OD’s are typically working 6 hours per day
Must be comfortable with refracting, diagnosing and treating ocular pathology
Established, family owned
Medical Assistant
Equipment provided including portable OCT
Responsibilities of the Optometrist (OD)
- Perform comprehensive eye health and vision examinations
- Diagnose disease and vision disorders
- Counsel patients regarding their vision needs
Requirements of the Optometrist (OD)
- Doctor of Optometry degree (OD)
- License to practice in the state of IN
- Excellent clinical and communication skills
- Ability to thrive in a team environment
To apply please email your CV / resume to sbeveridge@etsvision.com
Sheri Beveridge
Phone/text : (540) 206-2315
Email: sbeveridge@etsvision.com
Website: www.etsvision.com
ETS Vision specializes in recruiting Optometrists and Ophthalmologists for top practices across the country. All conversations and inquiries are completely confidential. All fees are paid by the client (hiring/selling practice). If you are now or will be seeking an opportunity, send your resume/CV TODAY!